Must Have of the week

Hello everyone! I'm here again and you know what? I can't wait to share all these goodies with you! You remember the last week's must have? Those gorgeous shoes? I'm sure you do! Well I have the best outfits and I simply adore them! I asked for your creativity and you didn't let me down!
No more talking then and check them out now!

I love them! I see that you like when I give you more freedom of choice. I promise that I will do this more often then ;).
It's a bit late for me right now and I'm kinda tired so I'll just pass o this week's Must have! I just found it today, even if it is kinda old... But i really like it because it reminds me of one of my favorite pieces of my real clothing (not the SD one). So this week's Must have is the Floral print skirt from Monte Carlo shop. You can find it by searching for skirts. It will appear somewhere in the last pages I think. So here it is !

I just did a summerish outfit with it, show me what you can do with it! You know what you have to do! Tinypic or imgur it and leave the link of the outfit in comments! The best 6 ones will be up in the next Must have of the week's post!don't miss the chance!

You know I love you!

x Ioana

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