Talented Medoll of the Week: Lauren-D

Here we go again for another talented MeDoll we have just discovered! She is Marte, a girl from Norway, and one of her outstanding talents besides her sense of style and original Medoll is creating sceneries.

Click here to visit her suite and see some of her scsneries
She is a competitor for many Stardoll modeling competitions and her hard work and talent can be seen in her sceneries. Here are a few really eye catching ones

Don't you love them too? She's a real talent isn't she? Don't you want to see some more? Then click on this LINK and you'll be taken into her own art gallery. You'll enjoy it!

Do you have a great talent that you want to share with us, and make yourself known? then just click HERE and apply with your talent. You could suggest talented people @ Stardoll too! Don't miss the chance to shine !

x The project team

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